Adrenal Fatigue | Episode 4

by | Jun 2, 2020 | The Health Made Simple Show

Have you seen that you are experiencing weight gain or brain fog? Have you noticed that you often get dizzy when standing up quickly? You may be experiencing a common issue known as adrenal fatigue.

In this episode, Dr. Bart discusses the symptoms of having adrenal dysfunction and adrenal fatigue, what causes this problem, and how you can overcome it. 

Your Adrenal Glands are what helps your body adapt to life. Watch the attached video to ensure that yours are functioning correctly.

Watch the live show below:

How Do I Know if I have an Adrenal Issue?

Your Adrenal Glands are what help your body adapt to life.

Some common symptoms are:

You wake up tired, the majority of days.

This is not normal or okay! It shouldn’t be the coffee that gets you going!

You are gaining weight

 One often experiences weight gain around the waist.

You are experiencing brain fog. 

At times you are unable to complete a sentence or complete task

You get dizzy when standing up too quickly or bending over

This is because your adrenal glands help regulate blood pressure.

Your skin begins to recover slower, whether it is a or scratch

This is because your adrenal glands contain upwards of 50% of your vitamin C.

The more you workout, the worse you feel

Your joints and muscles continue to hurt

What Are The Phases of Adrenal Fatigue?

The Alarm Phase (Wired and Tired)

  • You are consistently tired, but you feel like you need to keep going. You are having a harder time completing tasks.
  • This is because you get stuck in flight or fight mode.
  • This can lead to a reduction in creativity, productivity, and keep you stuck only completing short tasks. 
  • You are continually getting tired around 2-4 PM every day and feel like you need to take something to get through the day.
  • You get an energy bump at night every night around 9 PM.

The Resistance Phase

  • Your cortisol level is very high, and you burn through it rapidly
  • Your body will steal from your sex hormones to make more stress hormones to produce more cortisol, leading to weight gain.
  • This can lead to mood changes, including increased irritability.


  • You have an imbalance of hormones.
  • This is when the human body becomes vulnerable to viruses, infections, and parasites.

All of this can be tested medically through a saliva test!!

It is essential to know where we are, so we do not end up in phase three! Information is worthless without action.

Adrenal Gland Health is the most overlooked condition in the healthcare system

They are our flight or fight glands! They are keeping us alive and an unavoidable key in our pursuit of becoming superhuman. 

What Hormones are Impacted by Adrenal Issues?

Mineral corticoids

  • These supply various hormones to the kidneys. If this is not working well your blood pressure increases and kidneys do not operate effectively

Glucoid corticoid

  • This often is what leads to weight gain when imbalanced

Sex Hormones

  • DHEA, testosterone, estrogen, etc. 


All of these hormones work to produce adrenaline, serotonin, and many others. Their absence can lead to anxiety and depression.

The state of your adrenal gland decides whether you go into menopause of “HELLopause”. 

Without the support of your adrenal glands in menopause, your hormones will be without support and lead to miserable symptoms.

What Are the Causes?

1. Chronic Stress

2. Gut Inflammation

3. Blood Sugar Imbalance

4. Physical Trauma

5. Food Sensitivities 

These causes impact everyone to some degree, and everyone would benefit from some level of adrenal support. 

Further Benefits

Healthy adrenal glands can improve our sex lives.

  • They are directly related to the production of sex hormones.
  • Healthy adrenal glands can combat erectile dysfunction.

They will allow us to adapt better.

  • Some examples of this are allowing our eyes to better adapt to the blue light of a computer.
  • Our bodies are supposed to be adaptable, and with weak adrenal glands, it delays and reduces our hormone’s response system.

How Can We Support Our Adrenal Glands?

We must improve our diet. Sugar and carbohydrates fatigue the adrenal glands, thus by reducing their intake, adrenal gland health improves.

We must reduce our use of stimulants. Stimulation of the adrenal glands should be natural. We should not be using coffee and stimulants before the gym!

It is essential to realize that everything in health is multifaceted. We can not have a poor diet, live an unhealthy lifestyle, and have an unhealthy sleep schedule, yet expect to be superhuman.

What Supplements Can Help Adrenal Function?

Adrenal Desiccate: This is a short term solution that gives you energy back fast.

Adrenal Complex: Adaptogen herbs (lumina and licorice root)

With proper sleep, you will see increased stamina within one month

Adrenal desiccate should be used for approximately one month, while the adrenal complex should be used for around three months.

The Supplements mentioned can be found below!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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