3 causes of high blood pressure. What are we missing? Are genetics to blame? Healthy solutions. How to properly take | Ep. 232 High blood pressure is so common in the U.S. that it’s often treated as inevitable, especially as we age. With 50% of adults and 75% of...
How important is “re-setting”? What are the 3 phases of detox? Is your liver in good shape? | Ep. 233 Has it been getting harder to get through the day without relying on caffeine, or you’ve noticed nagging aches that weren’t there before? Or maybe you’ve just been...
Do Female Hormones Play a Role in Weight Gain or Loss? Could HRT Be the Culprit? Tips for Preparing to Win | Ep. 231 Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything right—following the latest diets, hitting the gym, skipping treats—only to see little to no change on...
Is your SPINE the key to Longevity? What does your posture tell about you? Why we feel old | Ep. 230 Have you noticed that as the years go by, the little things start to take a toll on your body? Maybe you tweak your back doing something simple—making the bed or tying...
3 forgotten health tips: do Standards matter? Is discomfort necessary? Should you have a plan? | Ep.229 Have you ever thought about how our natural inversion to inconvenience could be impacting your health? As a parent, an entrepreneur, or even just someone trying to...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >