The Ultimate Guide To Eliminating Pain Naturally | Episode 139 The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Pain Naturally Pain is one of the most complex physical phenomena our bodies will experience. It is something we ALL experience at some point in our lives, and as...
Behind The Scenes of Our Organic Cafe | Episode 138 Eating a clean, organic diet has never been more popular than in 2023. Almost every grocery store now contains an “organic” section at the grocery store or a health food section. Shopping there guarantees a clean...
The Art of Leveling Up | Episode 137 The Art of Leveling Up Could your mind be holding you back from seeing the results you want? On this week’s episode of the Health Made Simple show, Dr. Bart discusses the Art of Leveling Up. Evaluate where you currently are in...
All Things Auto-Immune! | Episode 136 Approaching Autoimmune Disease Naturally The number of autoimmune conditions being diagnosed today are beginning to outnumber the number of heart disease and other previously common disorders prevalent in our society. Is...
Simple VS Easy | Episode 135 The Simplicity of Health Human beings are living longer today than they ever had in history. That must mean that we are also the healthiest we’ve ever been, right? Not quite. While the average age of the population has been increasing,...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >