Fish Oils, Acid Reflux & High Blood Pressure | Episode 129 Did you know that during the holiday season, the average American gains 1 lb every 3 days? How is this possible? Well, the average holiday meal consists of 3000-4000 calories (requiring 4 hours of intense...
Win the Holidays! Adaptogenic and Nervine Herbs | Episode 128 Despite the fact that the holidays are often considered a celebration, why do they so often end up feeling like a punishment? The next 6 weeks are some of the hardest all year to stay on track and...
My Biggest Health Hacks at 53 Years Old! | Episode 127 Human beings today are some of the unhealthiest we have ever collectively been. But how have we gotten here? In today’s society, we face countless vices that pull us further and further away from the...
Sluggish Thyroid, Swollen Lymph Nodes. Are Eggs Healthy? | Episode 126 The most dangerous time of year is here – is your body ready for it? The temptations of the holidays can undo months of healing progress (or cause some serious damage) if you’re not...
What’s so unique about Trophorestorative Herbs? | Episode 125 Did you know that our beautiful planet provides all of the resources we need to heal our most complicated bodily dysfunctions? This week on the Health Made Simple Show, we discuss a unique category of...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >