LIVE Q&A: Your Health Questions Answered | Episode 50 This week, we continue with the Q&A from Episode 49. When we ask good questions, we can learn so much about health. Be proactive about your health, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about your specific...
LIVE Q&A: Your Health Questions Answered | Episode 49 Due to the large number of questions that we get every week, we’re doing another Q&A. Thanks for all your questions! When I’m in practice, everything is on the table. Health is everything. While my...
How To Eat Out Healthily | Episode 48 Who doesn’t love to go out to eat? Sometimes, going out to eat may seem like an end to clean eating. However, we can still make healthy choices! In this episode, we go over the gold standards of eating out and...
World Health Update | Episode 47 In this episode of the Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart updates us on the health status of the world using the latest research. We talk about why low vitamin D levels are correlated with fatalities, cytokine storms, and how our...
Entrepreneurs Health Survival Guide | Episode 46 Entrepreneurs are innovators and a source of new ideas and services. In our own ways, we all have an entrepreneurial spirit in us. Without a healthy mind and body, doing an excellent job at work and home can be very...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >