Clean Beauty with Dr. Ashley Beckman | Episode 40 On this episode of the Health Made Simple Show, we deconstruct the ingredients in skincare and household products with Dr. Ashley Beckman. We cover how our skin absorbs toxins, the hidden chemicals in most...
Your Natural Medicine Cabinet | Episode 39 This week we cover what you need in your home medicine cabinet to support your body during cold and flu season. Dr. Bart outlines his top five herbal remedies, what to do with them, and how to use them. Dr. Bart also...
3 Types of Health Personalities | Episode 38 In this episode, we go over the three health personalities and how each one approaches their health. The first personality type is Follower Fred, the second is Mediocre Mike, and the last one is Harry the Hero. Dr. Bart and...
Mind & Body Strength with Britt Colquitt | Episode 37 On this episode of the Health Made Simple Show special guest, Britt Colquitt, joins us and shares how he optimizes his mind and body for peak performance. Britt is a twelve-year veteran of...
Fundamentals For Longevity Dr. Dave Hogsed | Episode 36 This week on the Health Made Simple Show, we’re joined by Dr. Dave Hogsed. As our first returnee-guest, Dr. Dave is a chiropractor and runs the Natural Health Care Professionals Clinic in Fort Myers, FL. He...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >