Fundamentals For Longevity Dr. Dave Hogsed | Episode 36 This week on the Health Made Simple Show, we’re joined by Dr. Dave Hogsed. As our first returnee-guest, Dr. Dave is a chiropractor and runs the Natural Health Care Professionals Clinic in Fort Myers, FL. He...
Is Your Liver Your Lifeline? | Episode 35 In this episode, we talk about the liver. Although it may not be the most glamorous organ, the liver is our main source of energy and gets every toxin out of our bodies. Dr. Bart offers a fresh perspective on the liver, one...
The Pain Edition | Episode 33 This week on the Health Made Simple Show, we’re talking about pain. Learn what your pain means and how to manage chronic or acute injuries in the body. In this episode, Dr. Bart and Karen highlight how fear impacts our experience of pain...
Pat Precourt | Episode 32 This is our first episode of 2021! Tonight on the Health Made Simple Show, we will discuss mindset and how to set ourselves up for success this new year. This week we have a very special guest, my brother Pat Precourt. Pat is a performance...
Health Goals for 2021 | Episode 31 Welcome to another episode of the Health Made Simple show. This is going to be the last episode of 2020. Tonight, we are going to talk about leveling up our health and health goals we can set for 2021. First, I have a couple of...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >