LIVE Q&A: Your Health Questions Answered | Episode 64 We’re back this week with another live Q&A session! We had so much good feedback and so many great questions after the last one, we decided to do it again. Watch the live show below: 1. What happens if I...
LIVE Q&A: Your Health Questions Answered | Episode 62 This week on the Health Made Simple Show, I’m answering questions directly from you in the chat! Here’s a recap of the wide variety of topics we covered. 1.Why do my finger joints swell during the summer? If...
LIVE Q&A: Medications | Episode 61 While many people have interest in natural health, most are still taking some prescription medication or over the counter drug. The problem many encounter is that while these pills may solve one health problem, they may cause...
Q&A: Thyroid nodules, fat-burning, supplements and more | Episode 60 This week, Dr. Bart answers any questions from his audience. He tackles inquires on Thyroid nodules, fat-burning, high blood pressure and so much more. He also recommends various...
IBS & IBD – What are they and how do we fix it? | Episode 59 The top thing that I treat in my clinic is gut problems. Tonight we will cover Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) but also Crohn’s and Colitis. And I am not...
Candida: The Hidden Energy Sucker | Episode 58 In this episode, we will talk about gut issues, how to detect them and fix them. The thing here is that almost everyone has a gut issue and my goal here is to create more awareness about our gut health. But what even...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >