Q&A: PMS, Fasting, Calories, and much more! | Episode 57 This week, Dr. Bart answers any questions from his audience. Dr. Bart tackles inquires on PMS, counting calories, arthritis, and much more. He also recommends various supplements to help you level up!...
Q&A: How to deal with Fatty Liver, Deep Sleep, Indigestion, and more! | Episode 56 Due to the large number of questions that we get every week, we’re doing another Q&A. Thanks for all your questions! When I’m in practice, everything is on the table....
Pain: How To Manage & Tolerate It! | Episode 55 In today’s episode, we will talk about pain as well as pain management and tolerance. Pain is something very natural for humans to have. If we put our hand too close to the fire and it hurts we pull our hand...
Different Types Of Diets | Episode 54 In this episode of the Health Made Simple Show, we talk about different diets and their pros and cons. We are focussing on Keto, Plant-based, Vegan, and Vegetarian diets. We cover the difference between these and which diet works...
Best Exercise for YOUR Body | Episode 53 We love providing helpful tips and advice on living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, that’s why in this episode we discuss the importance of exercise and how it can differ from person to person. Watch the live show below: We...
Immune System Updates & FEAR’s Role | Episode 52 Dr. Bart is a renowned functional medicine practitioner, who has treated patients from all over the globe. In his 25 year career, he’s seen thousands of people suffer from the same, chronic issues, usually...
As a health care professional since 1997, Dr.Bart has spent ample time working one on one with thousands of patients. He deeply believes in supporting people to level up their lives, and to reach greater heights with their health goals. Read more >