The Future Of Health Care with Dr. Jones | Bonus Episode

by | Aug 10, 2020 | The Health Made Simple Show

This week on The Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart is joined by special guest Dr. Isaac Jones! Dr. Jones is a functional health expert who has international success working in the chiropractic field and helping doctors reach their peak performance.

This week, Dr. Jones and Dr. Bart discuss the current state of healthcare and where they believe that the industry is going.

They also provide crucial insights on techniques to improve our health, overcome the fear we are presented with, and re-enter into the present moment.

Watch the live show below:

Dr. Jones’ Journey

Dr. Jones begins by sharing his experience growing up and his diagnosis with ADHD as well as dyslexia. 

Originally relying on medication to overcome his special needs, Dr. Jones and his family realized medication was draining his personality and prohibiting his ability to excel academically and athletically.

To overcome the medication’s negative impacts, Dr. Jones transitioned to chiropractic, holistic, and nutritional solutions. Within three months, his life radically changed! 

Dr. Jones’ radical change has led to his passion for changing others’ lives with what he has learned in his pursuit of becoming superhuman.


Are We Worrying Too Much About Germs?


Hundreds of years ago, germ theory was proposed stating that solely germs are the reason that our health declines. Lifestyle was not taken into account, and it was perceived that our health was out of our hands.

Though this theory has been disproven, it is still primarily the mindset that our modern-day healthcare system operates out of!

However, we must consider our lifestyle choices such as physical activity, what we are consuming, and the products we are both surrounding ourselves with, and what we are putting in our bodies.

This is why some individuals are impacted further by germs, viruses, etc., and is why we need to make our bodies stronger. It is not going to make us invincible, but significantly stronger to combat attacks.

Where is Healthcare Going?

The healthcare system is transitioning to an approach that looks at long-term sustainable solutions.

Healthcare is transitioning from a symptom-based diagnosis to a cause-based diagnosis. The solutions provided are becoming further customized to the individual instead of a one size fits all approach. 

Doctors should have models that help their patients align with what specifically they need to get to the next level on their journey of becoming superhuman. This is where healthcare has fallen short for decades!

As autism and neurological disorders are on the rise, it can be a scary time. However, if we take into account these innovative new trends in health care, we should be excited, not fearful!

Healthcare is about more than symptom management. It should be about ensuring that patients have enough energy to play with their kids, travel, and the practical means to stay productive and effective mentally and physically. 

A holistically healthy lifestyle brings a higher quality of life, and it can prevent spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on healthcare.

This approach to medicine that Dr. Bart and Dr. Jones discuss is practiced by some of the world’s most intelligent and critically thinking individuals. It is not just a trend, but a lifestyle that works!

Virtual Healthcare

Even before COVID, there was a high demand for virtual solutions in the healthcare field. However, COVID has significantly increased this demand, and it will be the movement of the next several years.

Virtual medicine does not mean that consultation effectiveness decreases. Research shows that telemedicine gets better results than traditional in-office medicine!

There are more sick individuals than ever before, and virtual health solutions allow for the opportunity to provide permanent solutions.


Why is Mindset Important?

We manifest the thoughts that we focus on. When we focus our minds on fear, we begin to lose our happiness and health.

Instead, we should focus on the solutions to the problems that are consuming our thoughts. It is time to shift our mindset to creativity, problem-solving, and ingenuity when faced with adversity.

There is no problem so significant that humans will not be able to put their minds together to find a beautiful and creative solution, ultimately making this world a better place.

There are a significant number of articles that bash organic food. These articles come from companies such as Bayer that make billions producing genetically modified crops and lobby to lessen organic guidelines.

Private companies are the ones that certify organic foods. These are legitimate companies that can be trusted. 

However, there is still organic junk food! That is why it is so essential to flip over the product and read the ingredient list.

If you ever come across a product that claims to be regenerative or is certified as biodynamic, this is the gold standard. This means farmers are regenerating the soil and ensuring the food you receive is of the highest quality.

It is not about the grocery store. It is about the brand. Do your research on the brands and begin considering what you are putting in your body!


Making Health Simple

The next step on our journey to becoming superhuman is living in the present moment. When we get too overwhelmed, we need to step back, take ten deep breaths from the belly, and focus on what is instead of what is not.

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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