How To Use Food As Medicine with Dr. Josh Axe | Episode 16

by | Aug 28, 2020 | The Health Made Simple Show

This week on The Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart is joined by special guest Dr. Josh Axe! 

Dr. Axe is a doctor of natural medicine, chiropractic physician, and clinical nutritionist. He operates one of the largest health websites globally,, and has been featured on The Dr. OZ Show and the 700 Club!

Dr. Bart and Dr. Axe discuss the root causes of disease, the physical impact of emotional health, and collagen’s importance in our everyday diets. Also, Dr. Axe shares with us his daily health routine and provides his best advice to becoming superhuman!

Lastly, Dr. Bart shares his newest 30-day challenge with us that he is encouraging his listeners to undertake to level up their health!

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What are the Root Causes of Disease?

There is not a single medicine without an adverse side effect! That is why it is so important to find the root cause of the problems you are facing to overcome them naturally.

Toxicity and deficiency are the two leading causes of illness! This also leads to an emotional response!

Anger, toxicity, and fear cause different reactions in the organs than living with hope and faith! Our emotional health directly translates to our physical health, and this has been considered for thousands of years by those practicing ancient medicine.

We must consider internally if our body is too hot or too cold, too damp or too dry, and overly active or overly stagnant, as these are often the root causes of our illnesses. Many foods allow us to cure our health problems by finding a balance on these scales.

How Does Emotional Health Impact Physical Health?

Emotional health is an even more significant impact on your health than your diet. Emotions cause you to become physically ill!

There are five categories of emotions that significantly impact our physical health. They are:

  1. Fear
  2. Frustration/Anger
  3. Worry
  4. Grief
  5. Anxiety 

All of these emotional traumas significantly impact the health of different organs! However, it is not just limited to these. For example, unforgiveness affects the health of our immune system and detoxification system.

This is essential to consider during COVID, as this pandemic can cause all of these emotions!

What Happens When We Suppress Our Emotions?

When you are suppressing emotion, a lack of movement is happening. 

For example, if you are harnessing fear, your sympathetic immune system goes into protective mode, leading you to generate unhealthy cells. 

Negative emotions do not go away. They must be replaced!


Dr. Axe’s Health Routine

Dr. Axe begins his day with a spiritual triathlon. 

This triathlon begins by taking a praise and gratitude walk to reflect on what he is grateful for. Next, he spends 30 minutes reading either a spiritual development or leadership development book and lastly prays and meditates for 15 minutes.

Following this, Dr. Axe has a superfood smoothie with healthy fats from coconut milk, berries, and collagen protein. He has done this every day for the last 21 years! 

Dr. Axe also makes sure he takes his supplements every morning. These include Reishi mushroom, ashwagandha, and turmeric.

Lastly, Dr. Axe makes sure to get a workout in to get his body and mind active before work, which he begins at about 9 a.m.

Developing these habits takes discipline! It may not be fun at first, but it will pay off in the long term!


How Important is Collagen?

Collagen deficiencies are one of the most common deficiencies in the world! However, we must get enough as it makes up the majority of our gut lining. 

Collagen is one-third of the proteins in our bodies! Not only is it essential for gut health, but it is vital in the development of our bones, hair, skin, nails, disks, and many other areas.

Of all the products Dr. Axe has recommended, collagen is in his top-three most impactful.

How Important are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are herbs and berries that help provide cortisol and reduce stress within the body.

Countless adaptogens help our bodies function from metal health to lung function, fertility, and many other applications areas.

For general application, the best adaptogens to take are:

  1. Ashwagandha herb
  2. Reishi Mushroom 
  3. Astragalus 

For anti-aging and prostate health, an excellent adaptogen solution is Fo-Ti.

Audience Questions:

What is Dr. Axe’s advice to achieve pregnancy?

When a woman is looking to conceive, it is all about her adrenal and reproductive health. Often when you are unable to have a child, your adrenal health is lacking.

If you are struggling with infertility, make sure you are taking time to replenish your energy and do things you enjoy to reduce your stress levels!

Are dairies, oats, oils, and wheat unhealthy for you?

Wheat is not unhealthy! What has made it ill is what we have done to it over time! By using ancient grain, you will allow your body to tolerate the consumption better. 

These foods can be fine if you load up on herbs and get the digestive tract healthy.

Making Health Simple

Dr. Axe provides us with two great steps to leveling up our health and becoming superhuman emotionally, spiritually, and physically. They are:

  1. We must win the morning! Wake up, express gratitude, and read something. Following this, pray or meditate!
  2. Enjoy a superfood smoothie every day. This can rapidly improve your diet!

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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