Inflammation with Dr. Dave Hogsed | Episode 12

by | Jul 29, 2020 | The Health Made Simple Show

In this week’s episode of The Health Made Simple Show, we will be covering inflammation with special guest Dr. Dave Hogsed!

While inflammation is a common problem, it is one that many of us do not fully understand. Tonight we will discuss what causes inflammation, some common symptoms that occur, and how our diet can play a role.

Also, we will provide you with some of the most impactful supplements that will upgrade your body in the fight against inflammation and level you up on your journey to becoming superhuman. 

Watch the live show below:

What is Inflammation?

It is an entirely normal and healthy response to either damage to tissues or a pathogen. Essentially it is an alert system causing your body to heal.

Inflammation is supposed to be a short term effect that allows our body to heal; however, without the raw materials to heal, this is impossible.

The difference between an anti-inflammation medicine opposed to a natural solution is that a natural solution resolves the problem. It does not stop the process but allows the body to heal it on its own.


What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?

One of the leading symptoms of chronic inflammation is brain fog and fatigue. 

Also, symptoms can include digestive problems, immune problems, and even allergies! 

Digestive problems are often due to gut inflammation that can lead to irritable bowel syndrome and many other uncomfortable and unhealthy issues.

Even if you do not always feel pain, this does not mean you are not experiencing inflammation!

Blood tests are a great way to determine if you are having an inflammatory issue. Dr. Bart offers a comprehensive examination to determine if this is an issue plaguing you.

How Does Diet Impact Inflammation?

Diet is the leading determinant of the degree to which we experience inflammation.

The number one way to manage inflammation is to ensure that you are regularly taking a fish oil supplement! These provide omega-three fatty acids that help with pain, mood, and even sleep. 

A historically impactful supplement to take is cod liver oil. It is an excellent source of omega-three fatty acids, but it also provides Vitamin A, which lines all of your mucus membranes and strengthens your immune system.

Almost everyone is deficient in omega-three fatty acids and consuming too many omega-six fatty acids.

 This causes problems because omega-threes resolve inflammation, while omega sixes cause our body to become further inflamed. 

If you eat out, you are eating unhealthy oils! Even if the food is organic, it still often has bad oils. This includes eating at Whole Foods!


How Does Sugar Impact Inflammation?

Eating sugar is inflammatory!!!

Sugar consumption also leads to becoming both pre-diabetic as well as diabetic. Once this occurs, you are almost guaranteed to have chronic inflammation throughout your body.

The most significant area that gets inflamed by sugar consumption is your brain! 

The CDC stated that over 100 million Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. This is often due to the mass consumption of sugar!


How Does Turmeric Impact Inflammation?

Turmeric is an essential herb in today’s world to compensate for all of the things that cause inflammation. 

There is no denying that turmeric is an incredible multipurpose herb that supports the resolution of inflammation, the digestive process, the cardiovascular system, and helps slow down brain aging!

A great supplement to ensure you are consuming turmeric is turmeric forte. Turmeric forte ensures that the turmeric is absorbed by your body and survives the processing of the liver. 

Turmeric forte is not the magic answer to everything. However, it is an excellent synergistic solution that assists with everything going on in your body. Everyone can benefit from this supplement!



How Do Whole Food Vitamin C sources impact Inflammation?

Whole food vitamin C sources are a multipurpose solution.

They not only help regulate inflammation but are the number one thing for stress overload, help feed our adrenal glands, and improve our immune system.

Also, full complex vitamin C sources help maximize and enhance our blood oxygen utilization! This is essential to consider now that we are required to wear masks when we are out and about!!! 

This is the number one solution to overcome the symptoms such as headaches and fatigue that we have from the so-called “mask syndrome.”

All of the powerful supplements that were covered tonight can be found at the link below!!!!

Those who are developing severe respiratory distress from COVID are often perishing because the inflammation causes so many complications. 

You are going to be exposed to COVID at some point. While today’s solutions are not cures or preventatives, they can help alleviate the symptoms and ensure that you survive and thrive throughout the pandemic.

Making Health Simple

Begin to cut back on sugar. While this will be a difficult transition, it is the simplest way to begin to reduce inflammation!

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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