The Present & Future of Brain Health with Dr. Ryan Wohlfert | Episode 10

by | Jul 22, 2020 | The Health Made Simple Show

In this episode of The Health Made SImple Show, Dr. Bart is joined by Dr. Ryan Wohlfert to discuss the present and future of brain health.

Dr. Ryan Wohlfert has reached hundreds of thousands of people worldwide helping them improve their brain function, energy levels, and overall performance! 

Today these two discuss how big of a problem neurological disease can be, why conventional medical treatment has failed our brains, the first step to determine your Cognitive Baseline, and many other essential brain health concepts!

Watch the live show below:

Dr. Ryan’s Story

This episode begins with Dr. Ryan expressing his personal experience with a neurological disorder that developed in middle school. 

This experience completely changed the trajectory of Dr. Ryan’s life, as it sent him down a path to uncover the importance of taking care of the brain and the importance of developing a superhuman lifestyle.

What is the Impact of Neurological Disorders?

Neurological disorders are more common than many may think. For example, migraines are a neurological disorder that one out of every six people in the world experience.

Neurological diseases are the number one cause of health deterioration, as our age progresses. This can range from migraines to even strokes, MS, and Alzheimer’s.

What should we consider about Alzheimer’s?


Alzheimer’s is not just an old person’s disease.

People are showing signs in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s.

Just in America, 72 million people are experiencing Alzheimer’s to some degree. 

Pre-Alzheimer’s can be seen 20-30 years before a diagnosis is ever given.

Alzheimer’s is not a one-factor issue. Multiple considerations lead to its development.

It is not caused by plaque development in our brain, however, that is a sign that it is developing.


What is Pre-Alzheimer’s?

What are the steps leading to Alzheimer’s?

Pre-Alzheimer’s can be seen when you begin to forget your keys or you walk into a room and forget why you are there. It is mild symptoms of mental fog and forgetfulness

The next step for this is that you begin to have subjective cognitive decline. You notice that your mind is not firing as quickly as it had in the past and you’re just focussed on getting by.

Following this is cognitive impairment. At this point, your family and friends begin to notice your cognitive decline and it is apparent your mind is deteriorating

Lastly, is a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. At this point, the rapid decline begins.


How Can We Work to Prevent Neurological Disorders?

Sleep is one of the most effective ways to overcome the development of Alzheimer’s.

We must be aware of our sugar intake, aiming to keep it very low and consistently practice clean eating. What we consume ends up making its way to our brain.

Heavy metals are one of the leading causes of neurological disorders, as they prevent the brain cells from absorbing nutrients. We must take steps to eliminate them from our diet.

How Can We Work to Prevent Neurological Disorders?

Sleep is one of the most effective ways to overcome the development of Alzheimer’s.

We must be aware of our sugar intake, aiming to keep it very low and consistently practice clean eating. What we consume ends up making its way to our brain.

Heavy metals are one of the leading causes of neurological disorders, as they prevent the brain cells from absorbing nutrients. We must take steps to eliminate them from our diet.

What Are EMFs and How Do They Impact us?

EMF’s are electromagnetic forces that are emitted from anything that contains electricity.

Computers, phones, and televisions all emit these signals that are impacting our brains constantly.

A good way to combat this is distance. Do not plug your phone in next to your bed. Make sure there is distance between you and electronics when you are somewhere for an extended time.

Another solution is to purchase an EMF blocker for outlets near your bed to reduce their impact on you.

The issue with EMF’s is that they breach the blood-brain barrier and damage the cells within our brain, similar to heavy metals and biotoxins.


What is the 6-Pack of Brain Health?


What is your mindset on your health? Are you growth minded?


Anything you use to fuel your body from the food you eat to essential oils and lotion.


Movement and exercise are essential to get your nutrients up to the brain.


All function comes from the mind through the spinal cord. A strong posture is essential for brain health.


Sleep is essential! You can learn more about this on Dr. Bart’s in-depth talk below 


A belief in the unseen and a purpose in your life is essential to developing a healthy mind.

 And to Make it an 8-Pack

Fun & Family

These two are essential motivators that help keep us young and living lives of purpose, improving our mental health and cognitive function.


How Do Head Traumas Impact our Brain Function?

The brain is the most sensitive, fragile, and important organ that you have in your body.

Trauma, especially consistent trauma such as a soccer player heading a ball or a football player, accelerates the damage.

The brain is the only organ fully protected by a shell of bone. This is for a reason! 


How to Combat and Prepare for Cognitive Dysfunction

Dr. Ryan and his team have developed a cutting-edge technique to determine if you are or are expected to be at risk for cognitive deterioration.  

This three-minute questionnaire will gauge if you qualify for a longer 30-minute consultation with members of their team, free of charge!

The link to this remarkable opportunity is listed below

Brain Health Quiz:


General Questions Concerning Brain Health

How are mental health and brain health-related?

Mental health is a brain health issue. 

Issues such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and even PTSD are directly related to the health of our minds.

Can cannabis oil affect mental health disorders?

Yes, but not all of the way. We must seek multifaceted treatments to ensure a full version of mental and physical health. 

The goal is not to be dependent on anything! We need to look at our fitness, diet, and general lifestyle that we are living.

Where should we start?

It is essential to develop an all-encompassing approach to monitoring our health

Consider your goals and develop a customized plan that includes all aspects of your health.

What are daily supplements that could impact brain health?

Multiple supplements can help out overall health and our brain health! For an in-depth look at how to effectively use supplements look at Dr. Bart’s previous talk on brain health at the link below!


Making Health Simple

Final Tip to Becoming SuperHuman

Make smoothies!!!!!

On you can find great recipes for smoothies that will improve your overall health.

Get your superhuman smoothie recipe here:

To schedule a free call with Ryan click the link here >

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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