Everything “-itis” Explained | Episode 51

by | May 31, 2021 | The Health Made Simple Show, Uncategorized

When we’re talking about the itises, we mean any diagnosis that you’ve ever got that ends in an “itis.”

We’re talking about things like bursitis, tendonitis, bronchitis, or plantar fasciitis. All of these conditions have one thing in common: inflammation. The suffix “itis” literally means inflammation! 

A lot of people will get diagnosed with one of the itises and accept the diagnosis, thinking there’s nothing they can do to change it.

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The “Garbage Can” Diagnosis 

In the holistic world, we jokingly say that getting an “itis” diagnosis is a garbage can diagnosis.

For example, say you go to see your doctor for elbow pain. He or she may say you have arthritis in your elbow, and you leave thinking that’s the reason why your elbow is hurting.

However, the doctor just repeated back to you in Latin what you were describing to him or her. Arth means joint, and itis means inflammation. They told you you have inflammation in your elbow.  

This is why I joke that it’s a garbage can diagnosis because it’s not a real diagnosis. Oftentimes, people don’t search for the root cause of the inflammation. 

The Four Checkpounts to Look At If You Have An “Itis” Diagnosis

Each of these questions will help us find out how to improve the human body to heal the itis. Again, I’m not treating any diseases tonight. I’m just giving pathways to help improve human function, which will help take care of some pain caused by the itises. 

1. Is there a way to change your diet to improve your inflammatory status?

If I were to put someone on an anti-inflammatory diet, without getting into massive detail, I would suggest he or she get rid of sugar, gluten, and dairy. I’d also suggest reducing carbohydrates. 

When we have inflammation in our bodies, it blocks nutrients from getting to the joints that need them the most. 

2. Improve or Eliminate Movements 

3. Get Proper Sleep 

4. Supplements 

Vitamins, nutrients, and or herbs 


Usually, the root cause of joint inflammation is related to food. Whatever joint is being used the most in your body will become nutrient deficient the fastest. 

For example, if you’re a runner with a poor diet, usually your knees and hips will wear down the fastest. It’s the deficiency over time that causes the joints to wear down. 

After looking at your diet, we then examine movement. You may be doing too much of one movement that wears down your joint. So consider eliminating how much you do that specific movement. When you have arthritis you need to get the blood flowing, and good movement is essential. 

Also, we have to have good spinal mechanics or good posture. The key to healing arthritis is getting proper movement in your body. I recommend fixing your posture, getting a chiropractic adjustment, and getting a massage to release your muscle fascia. 

Once you do those things, then you can start to add exercise to your life. However, if you try to exercise without those things, it may make your experience of arthritis even worse.

To supplement and support your body, start with supplements that are specific to the damaged part of your body. Distinguish where your inflammation is coming from. Is it your joint or bone?

For bone pain, I recommend Ostrpen PMG and turmeric to reduce inflammation. I usually also use Glucosamine Synergy because it’s a very unique product that contains glucosamine with all the other vitamins and herbs you need to feed your joint. 

Tendonitis & Bursitis

Tendonitis is when your muscle tendon is inflamed. Again, let’s go through our checkpoints when it comes to this “itis.”

Our bodies send nutrients to tendons last, especially as we age. They’re the hardest to get fed. We need to clean up our diet. This means no dairy, no sugar, and no gluten, and it means reducing your intake of carbohydrates. 

Second, we look at movement. Look at if there is repetitive microtrauma taking place in the affected area. The tendons get overworked and get very tight, and you need to eliminate that movement. Also, instead of deeply massaging that area, just compress and release to get blood flow back to a tendon. 

Then, look at if we’re sleeping enough. Giving a time out for your tendons while you sleep is so beneficial to their healing. 

In between every joint where the bones come together, there’s a fluid-like sac called a bursa sac. If the joint lines up perfectly, then you won’t feel any pain. However, if you’re joint is misaligned, it will inflame the bursa, causing bursitis. 

In your diet, particularly with bursitis, it’s an acidity issue. You need to acidify the body. When you have bursitis, you have an imbalance between calcium and phosphorus. I use something called Phosfood liquid. You can use 30 drops in your water a day to balance out your phosphate levels. 

Both tendonitis and bursitis will benefit from turmeric. My go-to herb for tendonitis is Ligaplex 2 because it helps the rejuvenation of your tendons and ligaments. Take six a day.

Also, for both of these conditions, take Cod Liver Oil. Fish oils help facilitate the inflammatory process. This means that fatty acids help transport nutrients throughout the body.


Questions from the audience: 

Can you take all of the supplements you’ve been talking about together? Do some of them have different amounts of the same stuff?

Yes, you absolutely can. Some of them do overlap a little bit with some of the same stuff. All of the supplements I recommended today are whole food. So there’s not going to be an issue with over simulation. Vitamins and minerals do not push the body to do anything beyond its normal capacity. They just supply the nutrients so the body can do whatever its current potential is. 


What’s the best way to prevent arthritis as we age? 

Continue to clean up your diet. If you put crap in, you’re going to wear your body down. Every year, we have to be doing more work than we did the year before. We need to continue to raise the bar. Also, get your body moving. When we’re sitting down, we lock down the spine. 

What is one action that we can take today after this episode to move us toward becoming superhuman?

If you’ve ever been given a label before in the health world, dive deeper. Don’t accept the diagnosis as if it were something that you’re going to have for the rest of your life. Look for the root cause and the strategy to improve it.  

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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