Have you crossed your Health Bridge? The key to getting to your next level? Is it time to burn the bridge? | Ep. 201

by | Jun 4, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Have you ever felt stuck in your health journey, as if you’re standing on the edge of a bridge, too afraid to cross? Many of us reach a point where our current habits and comfort zones hold us back from reaching the next level of our well-being. You might feel anxious and overwhelmed by the thought of making big changes, but what if it were simpler than you think?

 In this engaging episode of “The Health Made Simple Show,” Dr. Bart dives deep into the concept of “crossing your health bridge.” He explains how this powerful metaphor applies not just to your health, but also to your wealth and relationships. Discover why it’s crucial to leave behind old habits and environments that no longer serve you, and learn how to make lasting changes that will transform your life.

In this episode:

Dr. Bart breaks down the essential steps to understanding and crossing your health bridge. 

Here are some of the enlightening points we’ll cover:


  • Crossing the Health Bridge: What it means and why it’s crucial for personal growth.
  • Evaluating Your Health: Simple questions to assess if you’re optimizing how you move, eat, and think.
  • Breaking Comfort Zones: Why significant change requires stepping into the unknown and getting uncomfortable.
  • Accountability and Associations: The importance of new associations and accountability in making health transformations.
  • Burning Bridges: How to commit to lasting changes by eliminating old, unhelpful habits and environments.

5 Steps To Bridge The Gap:

To help you take actionable steps after listening, Dr. Bart outlines a clear plan. Here’s how you can start crossing your own health bridges:

  1. Self-Evaluation: Reflect on your health status and whether you’re optimizing your movement, nutrition, and mindset.
  2. Identify Necessary Changes: Determine the bridges you need to cross to improve your health, relationships, and wealth.
  3. Commit to Change: Engage in significant actions such as cleanses, challenges, or eliminating harmful substances for extended periods.
  4. Seek Support: Find accountability partners, coaches, or supportive communities.
  5. Burn the Bridges: Make a firm commitment to not returning to old, unhealthy habits.

The real magic happens when you finally break free from the habits that have held you back. Imagine waking up every day feeling healthier, more energetic, and ready to take on the world. This episode will guide you on how to cross your health bridge and take those first bold steps toward a better you.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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