Is Travel a valid reason to derail? 5 rules to win when traveling. Does your environment control you? | Ep. 211

by | Aug 12, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Ever found yourself torn between the excitement of exploring new places and the dread of abandoning your health routines? You’re not alone. In this episode of The Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart dismantles the myth that travel must disrupt your health, showing you how you can embrace adventure without sacrificing wellness.

1. Bring your comforts from home:

The comfort of home doesn’t have to be left at your doorstep. Dr. Bart dives into the simple act of bringing your pillow along, revealing how small comforts can massively boost your wellbeing on the road. He’ll share:

  • How maintaining even a slice of your routine can dramatically reduce travel stress.
  • The psychological benefits of comfort, ensuring you rest as well as you explore.
  • Practical tips for making any hotel room feel a little more like home.

2. Bring your own air filter:

Exposing yourself to unfamiliar environments doesn’t mean compromising on air quality. Learn from Dr. Bart’s practice of carrying a MinAer portable air filter, and discover:

  • How safeguarding your breathing space can ward off potential health risks.
  • The crucial role clean air plays in maintaining your energy and health, especially away from home.
  • Simple strategies to make any accommodation a healthier living space.

3. Smart scheduling:

Timing is everything when it comes to aligning travel with your natural rhythms. Dr. Bart explains the science behind selecting flights and schedules that complement your body clock, detailing:

  • How smart travel planning can minimize jet lag and align you with local times for maximum enjoyment and health.
  • The importance of syncing meal times with your destination to maintain dietary health.
  • Tips for using travel time to your advantage, turning a flight into a restorative pause.

4. Bring your supplements:

Never underestimate the power of your supplement routine. With key insights into travel-friendly supplements like Kava Forte and Magnesium Lactate, Dr. Bart outlines:

  • How maintaining your supplement intake can anchor your health amidst change.
  • The roles these supplements play in keeping you relaxed and detoxified on the go.
  • Packing strategies that ensure you have what you need, no matter where you are.

5. Victory in Preparation:

Preparation is the secret weapon of the savvy traveler. By planning your meals and exercise in advance, you transform potential health pitfalls into victories. Dr. Bart will guide you through:

  • Crafting a foolproof plan that keeps you nourished and active, regardless of location.
  • How simple it is to find healthy eating spots and workout opportunities before you even arrive.
  • The empowering effect of having control over your health choices, even in unfamiliar territories.


Join Dr. Bart as he equips you with the tools and confidence to travel without compromising your health. This episode is not just about keeping fit on the go—it’s about transforming how you view health as an integral part of your adventurous life. If you’re ready to take your health management to the next level, don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Bart. No matter where you are, we can arrange for local labs and ensure you get personalized advice tailored to your needs.

Tune in live every week to learn how to seamlessly integrate these practices into your travel plans and turn every trip into a health-enhancing experience. Plus, discover how easy it is to work with Dr. Bart from anywhere in the world.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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