Mindset: What Drives Your Choices? | Ep. 216

by | Sep 16, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Do you ever wake up with the best intentions to prioritize your health, only to find yourself slipping back into old habits by the end of the day? You’re not alone. We all struggle with that constant tug-of-war between enjoying life’s pleasures—whether it’s a glass of wine, a piece of cake, or a lazy day on the couch—and our desire to become the healthiest version of ourselves.

In today’s episode of the Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart gets real about the tough choices we all face: should we strive for optimal health, or should we give in to the mindset of “living a little?” If you’ve ever felt stuck in the cycle of wanting to be healthier but not wanting to give up the things you love, this episode is for you.

The choice between phenomenal health and fleeting pleasures is one we all face, but the real question is: which will lead you to a more fulfilling life? Dr. Bart challenges us to rethink the idea of “cheat days” and “moderation” and instead shift toward a mindset where health and happiness go hand in hand. True satisfaction comes from waking up each day feeling energized, strong, and ready to embrace life fully—without the setbacks that poor choices can bring.

This episode isn’t just about making better health choices; it’s about discovering how those choices can elevate every area of your life. If you’re ready to break free from the habits that hold you back and experience what it truly means to thrive, tune in now.

Join us live every week for more impactful discussions that can help you reclaim control over your health and well-being. This episode could be the first step toward a version of yourself you’ve only imagined.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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