Sluggish Thyroid, Swollen Lymph Nodes. Are Eggs Healthy? | Episode 126

by | Nov 3, 2022 | The Health Made Simple Show

The most dangerous time of year is here – is your body ready for it?

The temptations of the holidays can undo months of healing progress (or cause some serious damage) if you’re not careful. 

This week on the Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart reveals how to protect your body from unhealthy temptation over the holidays, and keep your healing journey moving forward.

Watch the live show below:

Stay on track this holiday season

To keep your focus despite all of the alcohol, desserts and big meal temptations, first recognize what your personal triggers are. Maybe it’s the Christmas parties that encourage drinking alcohol (and neglecting sleep) more than usual during the week. Or eating too many turkey legs while watching your football team play. If you overeat, make an effort to consciously fast the next day. Wait until later in the day to eat, do some moderate exercise, and eat a lighter (or plant based meal) instead. If you haven’t started a healing protocol quite yet, consider starting fresh on January 1st instead, when the hardest period is already over. 

Fight back against flu season:

As we enter cold and flu season, you may notice your lymph nodes occasionally swell (especially when you’re feeling sick). Why causes this worrisome symptom, and how can we stop it?

Your lymph nodes are where predators go to die. When they are swollen, it means your body is attempting a healthy, detoxification process (i.e attacking bacteria and something viral). Once something goes in the node, it becomes trapped, and sends a message to the brain what types of white blood cells it needs to heal. This action is what causes the lymph nodes to swell. If your node is constantly swelling, it means you are being constantly exposed to something your body is perceiving as a threat. 

To detox your lymph nodes, first evaluate everything in your environment. If your lymph nodes are hard and non-movable, you need to prioritize a doctor visit. Only children under the age of 12 should have regularly swollen lymph nodes, because they are building immunity and constantly exposed to new things. For extra lymph node support, try a Andrographis Complex (containing healing herbs like ecchinea and holy basil) supplement. 

Stuck in the slow lane?

As the days get shorter, it’s natural to want to go into a slower hibernation mode. But when should you start to worry that something more sinister is at work? 

When your thyroid is starting to slow down (i.e hypothyroidism), you will experience brain fog, feel slower, and notice some weight gain. You may also notice the outer third of the eyebrow starts to fade, and you experience increased temperature and smell sensitivities you didn’t have before. 

Unfortunately, many doctors will neglect to order a comprehensive test panel when investigating potential thyroid problems. Without it, a doctor cannot accurately diagnose a specific thyroid dysfunction. 

You will need the following tested:

  • T4 & T3 totals
  • T3 Free & T3 Uptake levels
  • Antibodies (TPO and TGO)
  • Cholesterol (low thyroid will cause cholesterol to increase)
  • Reverse T3 & TSH

In addition to testing, some effective thyroid-boosting life hacks include: 

  • Getting enough sleep (go to sleep with the dark and wake up with the light).
  • Harmful oils, gluten and dairy should be eliminated from the diet. 
  • Clear your home of candles, paints and other chemical scents (that may cause inflammation).  
  • Focus on eating healthy, complete proteins (especially Brazil nuts for selenium to help hormone conversion). 
  • Regular supplementation with Ashwagandha for thyroid support & detox. 

Why are eggs upsetting my stomach?

It is very common to develop protein sensitivities or allergies. Eggs are a perfect food because of the amino acid, fat and mineral content. If you feel unwell after you eat them, it means you need to pump the breaks and eliminate it from your diet. 

If eggs are staying in your diet, consume organic, farm-fed eggs only, and use a digestive enzyme to help your body break them down when/ if you choose to reintroduce them.

Support the liver that is detoxing if you are eating poor quality eggs (pesticides, toxin infused). 

The natural sunscreen you’ll find in your pantry. 

Looking for an alternative to chemical-ridden enzymes? Try Cataplex F (an amino acid chain), and Cataplex C for enzyme and calcium support. This trio takes calcium from the blood and pushes it into the tissues to prevent them from breaking down and supports sun exposure. 

Clinical Insights:

Need proof of the power of herbs? Dr. Bart shares two unique insights he has seen come through his clinic this week

  • Learn about the go-to miracle herb helped an 11-year-old girl find balance after hormone disruption after just two days
  • Ground yourself with these tough questions that helped this active 54-year-old female patient kick tennis elbow to the curb. 

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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