The Truth behind why/how we make food decisions. What are we really up against? | Ep. 203

by | Jun 18, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Ever wonder why putting the “right” food choices into practice is so hard? 

We use hunger as a means of justifying our not-so-great decisions —but it’s really about understanding the deep-rooted habits and associations we’ve developed from a young age. 

In this episode of “The Health Made Simple Show,” Dr. Bart explores why we make the food decisions we do and what we’re truly up against.


In This Episode We’re Covering:

  • The Misconceptions About Nutrition: We often think we eat just because we’re hungry, but there’s much more influencing our choices.
  • Emotional Eating and Celebratory Habits: From celebrating with birthday cake as a toddler to toasting with champagne, we’ve been programmed to associate food with pleasure and reward, not just nourishment.
  • Rethinking How We View Food: It’s not about asking, “Am I hungry?” before you eat. Instead, shift the question to, “Is this fuel for my body?” This perspective helps transform how we see food and our choices, moving away from feeling deprived to making empowered decisions.
  • Changing Your ‘Why’ for Eating: Shifting your focus from short-term satisfaction to long-term health and wellness can radically change your relationship with food.

Time To Break The Cycle

If you’ve ever struggled with food choices, know that you’re not alone. This episode is for anyone looking to understand their eating habits better and regain control over their dietary decisions. 

Dr. Bart is here to guide you through rethinking the emotional and habitual aspects of eating, providing practical advice on how to change your mindset and ultimately, your behavior.

Tune in to learn how to make more mindful, health-supporting food choices that go beyond the immediate gratification of taste.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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