The year of exposure! Time to critique supplements. Does quality matter? How do you know? | Ep. 235
When you go to the grocery store, it’s easy to spot the difference between fresh, organic produce and processed junk food. But what about your supplements? Just like food, not all supplements are created equal—and the difference between quality and mediocrity could be impacting your health more than you realize.
The supplement conversation can be overwhelming, filled with flashy marketing and confusing claims. Many of us buy supplements with the best intentions, assuming they’re providing the nutrients our bodies need.
But here’s the catch: in Dr. Bart’s experience, a shocking number of supplements fall short, offering little benefit—or worse, robbing your body of critical nutrients.
If you’re spending your hard-earned money on supplements, you deserve to know they’re working for you, not against you. That’s why Dr. Bart is exposing the truth behind the supplement industry in this must-listen episode of The Health Made Simple Show.
Here’s The Myths We’re Busting In This Episode:
- The hidden danger of synthetic supplements and how to spot them and why they might be undermining your health goals.
- Whole food-based supplements explained like what makes these supplements superior and how they support your body naturally.
- The critical role of soil health and why the source of your supplements (and the soil they’re grown in) has a direct impact on their effectiveness.
And to help kickstart your health journey, Dr. Bart shares his two quick tests to evaluate your supplements. His simple strategies will ensure your investment in your health will pay off.
Ready to take control of your health and make sure your supplements are truly supporting you?
Dr. Bart trusts nutrient-dense, whole-food-based supplements like those available in the Balance Store. If you’re ready to elevate your health with products you can rely on, check it out today!
Medically reviewed by:
Dr. Bart Precourt
Founder of The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic
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