Water Weight Fixes, Cystic Acne, Tight Hamstrings | Episode 103

by | Jun 7, 2022 | The Health Made Simple Show

As usual, we’re going to kick off today with some clinical insights. I’m seeing a gentleman who’s about 50 and really getting after it with his health. We’re knocking out all the details and all the excuses. One of his biggest challenges initially was time and preparation. For him, we found him a food service to deliver pre-packaged meals.

We regularly run labs and while things were going well, his triglycerides went through the roof. Simply, if you see those high, typically it’s a sign of a bad diet. However, I knew that wasn’t taking place with this patient, so I looked for another cause, specifically insulin resistance or low thyroid function. This is why you always need a complete lab panel. Because we had the whole picture in this scenario, I could really zone in on what was going on. The only thing for him that had changed was this food service he was using.

When we took a look at the labels, even though everything was marketed as healthy food, they were using preservatives that were terrible for the body. Moving forward, we’ve measured, adopted a new strategy, and made a plan to check again in 90 days. As always, it’s about measuring function and determining what works. 

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I also see a 58-year-old female with parasites. I gave her a protocol I usually use for parasites, which we pulse dose, and it generally takes care of it. With parasites, you need to get rid of them and clean yourself out of all the extra debris. With this woman, we’ve had on-and-off successes because she’s been reticent to make any changes to her diet. On about day 4 of this protocol, a skin rash showed up. This is pretty typical because you’re upsetting the parasite by trying to get it out. Unfortunately, she went to see her other doctor, who put her on a steroid and took her off the supplements she was on. When you’re building health, it doesn’t always feel good, but the process is more important than temporary discomfort or issues. This is why you need a good health coach. Sometimes it might get worse before it gets better, but if you have someone you trust that you’re working with, you can make it through. With this patient, we had to start over again from scratch. I’m confident it’s going to work out the same, but it’s important to know, changes can be difficult, but they’re worth it.

Lastly for tonight, I saw a 26-year-old female who took an antibiotic for a sinus infection. As is common with antibiotics, she developed a UTI. Her doctor prescribed her another antibiotic and how the ball has gotten rolling. She’s experiencing acne, fatigue, and massive brain fog. We have to start asking ourselves if we’re inconvenienced by symptoms or if we’re really sick. We have to establish a framework. If we overuse antibiotics, they won’t be effective when we truly need them. In addition, we need to recognize when our symptoms are caused by our decisions and identify when we can make lifestyle choices to fix them. 

1. What is water weight and what causes it?

Water weight isn’t just water, it’s toxic weight and if you’re not supposed to hold it, you should be getting rid of it. It’s that puffiness and swelling that comes up when we eat and drink things that cause inflammation. It doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of water you’re drinking, it has to do with the water you’re retaining. The number one cause is carbohydrates, even over sodium. If you have a carb-filled diet, especially simple carbs, those carbs hold water. When people go on a cleanse, we see them immediately start to drop water weight because they’re getting the carbs out. The sodium we see in table salt also does this to us. This is why diet and cleansing are so important. You need to be hydrating and drinking more water in order to flush the system and get rid of that water weight. Stress can also cause you to hold water weight because of the cortisol your system is creating. Type-2 Diabetics also see this because of the insulin levels in their bodies.

2. My doctor says I have cystic acne and my medication doesn’t seem to help. What can I do?

Cystic acne is acne that is very uncomfortable and usually covers larger portions of the face. Typically nothing over the counter will work and may in fact be further damaging your skin. It’s essentially too many hormones being converted into testosterone which is converting too much into DHT. There are a couple of ways we want to deal with this. First, there’s almost always a gut approach with anything skin. You need to immediately come off of gluten and dairy for cystic or any acne. Second, we have to look at the hormone imbalance. Insulin resistance can cause the androgen to become excessive and convert into excess testosterone. Lastly, food sensitivities are always a possibility. The biggest challenge is that people always try to fix skin issues from the outside instead of the inside. It’s not an issue of just “washing your face”. There’s an enzyme that’s converting to DHT when it doesn’t need to be. This is where you need to bring in your cruciferous vegetables. There’s a supplement you can take short term called Cruciferous Complete, but long term, you need to introduce cooked cruciferous vegetables into your everyday diet. 

And last but not least, this week’s action to become superhuman is…

Stand Your Ground

There are all sorts of things that pull us out of the way. It can be circumstances, discomfort, or inconvenience, but don’t let yourself be moved!

What’s Next?

We have put together a dashboard of all of Dr. Bart’s videos, based on health topics, in our Level-Up Health Membership.

This library of health content is low cost, so we can help you on your journey to becoming superhuman! 

Not only is it extensive, but it will continue to expand with new videos each month. Also, you will have the opportunity to share these videos with your friends and family!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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