“Be Ready for Anything” – Dr. Bart Precourt on Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

by | Jan 8, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Introduction: The Hidden Reality of Our Food

Do you ever wonder about the true story behind the food on your plate? That’s what Dr. Bart discusses as a guest on the Kyle Kingsbury Podcast. In this episode “Be Ready for Anything,” they peel back the layers of what we think we know about our food. 

Dr. Bart’s journey from chiropractic care to organic farming and sustainable living sheds light on the obscured truths about our diet and its profound impact on our health. 

This episode challenges you to reconsider your daily food choices and understand the broader implications they have on your well-being and the world around you.

Watch the show below:

Journey to Organic Living and Farming

Discover Dr. Bart’s inspiring shift from traditional chiropractic practice to pioneering a sustainable ecosystem focused on organic living. The episode delves into the struggles and triumphs of sourcing genuinely organic produce and adopting regenerative agriculture practices. 

These choices aren’t just about personal health; they resonate with environmental stewardship and a better future for our planet.

The Pandemic: Lessons in Preparedness

Reflect on the societal and behavioral changes sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Bart discusses the importance of being prepared for various crises, emphasizing personal responsibility and informed choices during these challenging times.

Government, Control, and Food Supply

Kyle and Dr. Bart discuss relevant problems in today’s agriculture industry: 

  • A critical examination of government control measures and their impact on food production.
  • The burning of food processing plants: mere accidents or something more concerning?
  • Emphasizing the importance of local food production and self-sufficiency.

Philosophical and Spiritual Insights

  • Dr. Bart shares his thoughts on the balance between light and dark in society.
  • The transformative power of love, community, and resilience.
  • Preparing mentally, physically, and spiritually for future challenges.

A Vision of Hope and Optimism

Despite the challenges faced, Dr. Bart expresses a sense of optimism for the future, believing in the strength of the human spirit and community to overcome adversity.

Join us for this enlightening replay of Dr. Bart’s guest appearance on the Kyle Kingsbury Podcast. It’s a journey that promises to challenge your perceptions and inspire you to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Tune in to “Be Ready for Anything” and explore the intersection of health, philosophy, and sustainability. 

And remember, The Health Made Simple Show is your guide for empowering discussions that will steer your health journey. Stay connected, stay enlightened, and above all, stay healthy!

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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