Is the Quest for “Comfort” Making Us Sick? | Ep.178

by | Nov 20, 2023 | The Health Made Simple Show

After almost three decades in health care, Dr. Bart has witnessed the same, recurring theme posing as a major hurdle in the majority of his patients:

Our relentless pursuit of comfort often overshadows our health goals.

This episode is an eye-opener for anyone teetering on the edge of transformative change but waiting for that ‘perfect moment.’ Dr. Bart is here to empower you, illustrating how taking control of your health means stepping out of your comfort zone.

Watch the live show below:

The Comfort Killers: Top 4 Everyday Choices Impacting Your Health

Dr. Bart reviews the top 4 common factors that are most detrimental to our overall well being: 

Medications as Masking Agents:

Many rely on medications to alleviate symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of health issues. Dr. Bart urges a re-evaluation of our dependency on pharmaceuticals and advocates for a deeper understanding of our body’s needs.

Supplement Overwhelm:

The thought of integrating supplements into daily routines can seem daunting, but they play a crucial role in combating daily toxin exposure. Alcohol, for example, a common toxin, can drastically affect metabolism and overall cell health. Supplements offer vital support against these everyday threats.

    Exercise: More Than Just Movement:

    Our bodies crave movement, yet modern lifestyles often lead us to prolonged periods of inactivity. Dr. Bart debunks the excuses holding us back from regular exercise, emphasizing the importance of small, consistent efforts in improving our physical health.

      Redefining Comfort Foods:

      Comfort foods, laden with sugars and toxins, hinder us from achieving our best selves. It’s time to shift our perspective and redefine self-care and comfort in terms of what truly nurtures our bodies.

      It Starts With The Mind

      Reaching your peak health is more than just discipline; it’s a mindset transformation. Dr. Bart encourages a fresh look at what we consider ‘comfort’ and challenges us to embrace discomfort as a pathway to wellness.

      Tune in to this week’s episode for an inspiring deep dive into making choices that prioritize long-term health over temporary comfort. Don’t miss out on Dr. Bart’s empowering guidance and practical tips for a healthier, happier you.

      Remember, to stay updated with the latest in health empowerment,  join us live every Tuesday at 6 PM Central.

      Medically reviewed and written by:

      Dr. Bart Precourt

      Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
      Doctor of Chiropractic

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