Overcoming Vertigo: Understanding the Causes and Finding Solutions | Ep. 175

by | Oct 27, 2023 | The Health Made Simple Show

Imagine feeling like the room is spinning around you, your head feels heavy, and a wave of nausea takes over your body. Vertigo isn’t just disorienting; it can be downright debilitating. 

What makes it even more frustrating is feeling like you’re lost in a maze with no way out—no concrete answers, no quick fixes. If you’ve ever been gripped by vertigo, this episode is designed to give you the information and actionable steps you need to regain control of your life.

Watch the live show below:

Vertigo: The Symptom, Not The Disease

While vertigo can seem like a condition in itself, it is actually a symptom of a larger issue. While there are a number of reasons you could be experiencing vertigo, the most common reasons include:

Adrenal Dysfunction:
Caused by sympathetic dominance in your nervous system, adrenal dysfunction can lead to episodes of vertigo as they are not functioning properly. A common sign of adrenal fatigue is feeling lightheaded after bending over.

Positional Vertigo:
Triggered by specific movements or positions, vertigo symptoms are caused by disrupted calcium crystals in your ears. These crystals help keep you balanced (even when your head is off-center), so if they are blocked, vertigo symptoms occur. 

Meniere’s Disease:
Inner ear pressure imbalances can cause both hearing loss and bouts of vertigo.

Inflammation of a nerve in the ear mimics vertigo symptoms.

Keeping Vertigo Symptoms at Bay: 

The good news is, if you’re sick of vertigo symptoms dictating your daily life, there’s a few options available to find relief:

  • Prioritize 8 hours of sleep per night (including taking mid-day naps if you have to!).
  • Strength comes from rest – adopt a mentality of moderation rather than pushing through fatigue “just because you can.”
  • Limit toxin exposure by eating organic and reducing exposure to chemicals as much as possible to support your liver. 
  • Cut back on sugars and carbohydrates to reduce congestion and inflammation.


Want to take your protocol one step further? The following supplements are my top 3 adrenal-boosting herbs:

If you’re tired of the room spinning and want to understand how to make vertigo a thing of the past, don’t miss this episode. We dive deep into actionable steps you can take, from lifestyle changes to recommended supplements. Your health doesn’t have to be a guessing game. 

Medically reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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