Salt Cravings: What Are They Really Telling You? | Ep.189

by | Feb 17, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

Did you know that your guilty pleasure snack of potato chips could be an indicator of something more serious going on with your health? 

In this eye-opening episode of The Health Made Simple Show, Dr. Bart delves into the intriguing world of salt cravings, hydration,  and how to decipher what your body’s cravings are REALLY trying to tell you.

Watch the live show below:

Here are the 3 main reasons your body is having trouble curbing those salt cravings:

Dehydration: The First Warning Sign

Feeling constantly thirsty or reaching for salty snacks? It might not just be a craving—it could be your body’s way of signaling dehydration. But here’s the catch: hydration isn’t solely about drinking more water. Learn why replenishing essential electrolytes like sodium is crucial for optimal hydration.

Not all salt is created equal:

Dive into the differences between table salt and healthier alternatives like Celtic sea salt or Himalayan sea salt. Discover why the type of salt you consume matters for maintaining proper hydration and overall health.

Low-Carb Diet & Water Retention:

Following a low-carb diet? Your body may need to work harder to retain water, leading to increased thirst and salt cravings. Explore the connection between low-carb diets and electrolyte imbalance, and how to replenish lost electrolytes effectively.

Your adrenals are calling out for help:

Your body’s salt cravings could also be a sign of underlying adrenal dysfunction. Learn how deficiencies in essential nutrients like magnesium, sodium, or potassium can impact adrenal health and trigger salt cravings. Explore natural solutions to support adrenal function and restore balance to your body.

What Can You Do?

Ready to take action? 

Dr. Bart breaks down the best  strategies for addressing salt cravings, from adding sea salt to your diet to prioritizing rest and incorporating electrolyte-rich foods. 

Make sure to stock your medicine cabinet with:

  • Drenamin: A whole food multi vitamin – great for people who live a busy lifestyle, especially first thing in the morning. 
  • Adrenal tonic: Taking a combination of Ashwagandha, along with Romania Echinacea can help your body balance cortisol levels, improve thyroid function, and slow the nervous system down. 

And as always, make sure to tune in to The Health Made Simple Show every week and join Dr. Bart as he decodes the mysteries of modern-day health and empowers you with the information you need to take charge of your health journey.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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