The 2 weak links derailing women’s health | Ep.188

by | Feb 13, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

In his extensive career spanning more than 20 years, Dr. Bart has had the privilege of witnessing the multifaceted journey of women navigating the complexities of their health. Behind every diagnosis, every treatment plan, and every triumph, lies a story of resilience, courage, and hope. Yet, amid these narratives of strength, there exists a quieter, more insidious tale—a story of unspoken struggles and overlooked vulnerabilities.

On this week’s episode of The Health Made Simple Show, we’re uncovering the two culprits, that if left unaddressed, have the potential to undermine vitality, hinder independence, and jeopardize long-term well-being.

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Weak Link 1: Physical Strength

As women age, often beyond their 30s, there’s a cultural expectation that physical strength takes a backseat. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Maintaining muscle mass is not just about appearance; it’s about preserving independence and warding off potential health complications.

The absence of adequate muscle mass leaves women vulnerable and significantly impacts their overall health trajectory so Dr. Bart shares his top tips to increasing muscle mass. It’s imperative to challenge societal norms and prioritize strength training as a cornerstone of long-term well-being.

Weak Link 2: Nutritional Deficiency

Another critical weak link in the health journey of women is the pervasive deficiency in essential nutrients, particularly stemming from inadequate consumption of red meat. Contrary to popular belief, red meat is not just a protein source—it’s a nutrient powerhouse essential for hormone production and overall vitality.

Sadly, many women are misled by prevailing dietary trends and fear surrounding red meat consumption. However, the truth remains undeniable: incorporating high-quality, organic red meat into your diet can be a game-changer for hormonal balance and overall health.

 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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