Vegan vs Carnivore Diet: what no one is talking about | Ep. 184

by | Jan 13, 2024 | The Health Made Simple Show

In today’s episode of “The Health Made Simple Show,” we dive into the fascinating debate between two seemingly polar opposites: veganism and the carnivore diet. 

How is it possible that both of these diets have ardent followers who claim remarkable health benefits? And, most importantly, how can you discern which one is the best fit for you? 

In this episode, we explore the nuances and find some clarity in the midst of this dietary debate.

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Evaluating Gut Health

Your gut health is a critical factor when making dietary changes. If you suspect candida overgrowth, a vegetarian diet may be a suitable choice due to its fiber content and antioxidant-rich foods, which act as natural detoxifiers.

However, it’s essential to be cautious, as meatless diets can sometimes lead to unhealthy choices, like processed vegan alternatives that are high in saturated fats.

The Power of Carnivore Diet

We discuss how the Carnivore diet provides a robust foundation for health by ensuring regular intake of critical amino acids.

As ingesting enough complete proteins can be challenging to obtain from plant-based sources alone, the carnivore diet is a compelling option for anyone needing to increase their amino acids intake.

The Commonality: Elimination Diets

One striking similarity between these specialized diets (including keto) is that they are functioning as elimination diets at the core.

This is because they typically exclude sugars, alcohol, and other common toxins. Eliminating these harmful substances is the first step toward any meaningful health transformation.

  • Regardless of the diet you choose, the common thread is the importance of prioritizing toxin elimination.
  • Consistency in avoiding toxins is crucial for long-term health and well-being.

Trial and Error

  • To discover the right diet for you, it often involves a process of trial and error. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.
  • With the abundance of conflicting dietary advice, personal experience becomes a crucial guide. Learn how to pay attention to how your body responds to different dietary approaches.

Follow The God’s Garden Diet

Looking to make a nutritional reset but still not sure where to start? We introduce the concept of the “God’s Garden diet,” emphasizing simplicity and purity in your food choices.

The most significant challenge in nutrition is consistency. Find foods and dietary patterns that you can embrace without resistance, allowing you to stay consistent and fully commit to your chosen path.

The Mindset Factor

We also discuss the psychological aspect of dietary choices, acknowledging that emotions often play a significant role in our food decisions.

Once your body experiences the benefits of detoxing from hidden toxins like alcohol, sugar, and processed foods, you may naturally lose the desire for them.

Focus on What Feels Best For YOU

In the ongoing debate between veganism and the carnivore diet, remember that your journey to optimal health is a highly individual path. Embrace the principle of trial and error, listen to your body, and prioritize toxin elimination. Whether you lean towards plants or animal-based foods, the key is to find a diet that aligns with your unique needs and keeps you consistently on the path to wellness.


 reviewed and written by:

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of  The Health Made Simple Show
Doctor of Chiropractic

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